Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Doctor Visit

Well today I took Slayde to the doctor. I am the type of mom that if I have any doubt I would just assume take him to the doctor to have some peace of mind. He kinda sounded stuffy to me when he was nursing and he is very gassy. The doctor assured me that this was totally normal and he doesn't have colic, he is just a gassy baby. She did give me a prescription for some gas relief drops because I told her that the Mylicon were doing absolutely nothing to help Slayde. The one thing that I couldn't believe was that he weighed 9 lbs! He has grown over 1 and 1/2 pounds in 2 weeks. That shocked me! I guess since I see him everyday I didn't notice how big he has gotten. So overall great doctor visit...Slayde isn't sick and he has grown!

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