Well yesterday we had our 28 week check up and everything is going good. I have gained a total of 15 pounds. According to his measurements, Slayde is almost 3 pounds! About 2.75. You could see his chubby cheeks on the sonogram. It was so funny! He already looks just like his daddy and sister! He is still head down with his feet under my ribs which can be quite painful. We go back on December 14 for our 3D sonogram. I can't wait! They also did the diabetes test where you have to drink that orange drink. My diabetes test came back fine but I am anemic. They said I need to eat some more red meat and leafy green vegetables as well as be sure to take my prenatals (which I sometimes forget!) I was really proud of myself because I did the blood work ALL BY MYSELF! Yes I know~doesn't sound like a big feat but I was proud of myself. Its the first time I've done it completely alone. Sagen and Rusty were still setting up my appointment for next time and I had to take the blood at a certain time or they had to redo the whole test. So I am officially a big girl lol! Well, I hope everyone has a great week and stays warm!