Monday, May 25, 2009

Dance Recital

Bailey, Jessica, Jordan, and Brittney came and watched her dance. She was proud of her flowers!

Look my tape! S-A-G-E-N

Aren't I beautiful?

The full costume!

Friday and Saturday Sagen had her first real dance recital. Friday night was dress rehearsal and it was so funny. I'm guessing that they told the dancers to march out there and find their tape. Well if you know Sagen you know she has a one track mind. She marched out and then stopped and started shouting "I found my tape! Right here...S-A-G-E-N! Sagen's tape!" It was so cute! Sagen is the youngest one to take dance. She is three and the other girls are 4 and 5 in her dance class. The rehearsal lasted until 10:30. On Saturday she did really good during the real thing. She actually danced (well made up some of her own moves). She was more interested in singing the words to the songs of the dance. I told Rusty next year we should just sign her up for voice lessons! Sagen loved getting her hair curled and wearing makeup like mommy. If you have seen the Hannah Montana movie then you are familiar with the Hoedown Throwdown. That was what they did for their finale. It was precious! Even if she is mine I must admit...she is a doll!

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