Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Slayde's 6 month checkup

Well today Slayde had his 6 month doctor checkup and all was good. She wasn't concerned that my lazy boy isn't sitting or showing any interest whatsoever in becoming mobile! Here are his stats:
Weight: 16lb 12 oz (40th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (60th percentile)
Head: 17.4 inches (75th percentile)
I know, I was shocked that he is only in the 40th percentile in the weight department. I felt sure that he must be off the charts! He has my thunder thighs! haha. Dr. G also recommended that all the adults around him get the Pertusis Vaccine. Even though he is vaccinated she said he can still get whooping cough, just not as bad as a baby that isn't vaccinated. So that will be what Rusty and I are doing on Monday...he just doesn't know yet!

So far Sagen LOVES school! She has learned to not throw rocks down the slide haha. She told me tomorrow she feels certain she will learn to read! She is so cute and pops up every morning putting on her clothes ready to go to school. I'm sure in about 10 or so years I will be having to threaten her to get ready for school...when do they lose that eagerness?! ha! I'll post some pictures from meet the Dragons later! hope every body is well!

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