Sagen with all of her cousins at mom's house. Its challenging to get them to all look/smile but this one turned out pretty cute.

The only way we could get Sagen and Jett to be semi still was to put them in a wheelbarrow. I thought it turned out really cute though!

Rusty's cousin had uploaded a Dora episode on her i-phone. It entertained the kids for a long time. I thought it was so cute how focused they all were!

Sagen and her cousin Avery. They had so much fun playing!
Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did. On Wednesday we put up our Christmas tree and Sagen was a lot of help. haha On Thursday we went to Nana and Opey's for lunch and then went to Rusty's grandmothers for supper. We got to see all of our family so it was really nice. On Friday mom and I went shopping at about 430 in the morning. We had a lot of fun and got some really great deals. We were back by around noon so the guys could go on their annual hunting trip. We relaxed the rest of the break at mom's house and then hurried back to school this morning. It sure did fly by! We have our 28 week doctor's appointment this afternoon so I will let everyone know how it goes! Love yall!
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