Thursday, January 7, 2010

33 week checkup

Yesterday I had my 33 week doctor appointment to check on baby Slayde. I had gained 1 pounds bringing the grand total to 20. Everything looked good with Slayde. The ultrasound showed him to be about 4 pounds. Dr. Killeen thinks that he might be a touch bigger than Sagen was. (She was 6lb 7oz so Slayde might be closer to 7). I still think he will be small like she was. He moves all the time and gets the hiccups every night around 10. Rusty felt them the other night and thought it was pretty funny. I asked the doctor if I would know if I went into labor because I never had any contractions with Sagen. He said I would definitely know! I'm just so nervous because it seems like everyone around here is having their babies early. I hope I make it until the 12th when my c-section is scheduled. Only 3 more doctor appointments until his big arrival! Its hard to believe. Well we are going to be super busy with stock shows and getting things ready so time is really going to fly. Hope all is well with everyone!

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