Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grandma and Big Daddy with Maryetta, Rusty, and the kids. Four generations!

Opey with all his grandkids. on Thanksgiving Wish mom was here!

Well it has been a while since I was able to post last. We had a great Thanksgiving and I hope everyone else did too! It was a sad Thanksgiving because it was the first one I have ever spent without my mom. She went to Georgia to spend Thanksgiving with my grandmother (which is where she needed to be), but it wasn't the same without her. We had Thanksgiving at my house and my sister and I cooked the Thanksgiving lunch. We didn't do the traditional turkey and dressing, but it was still really good. We had ham, rice dressing, corn, hashbrown casserole, macaroni pie, and lots of sweets and desserts. After that we went to Rusty's grandparents house to spend Thanksgiving evening with his family. That night I was really bummed because I didn't think I was going to get to go black Friday shopping since my shopping buddy was 1200 miles away....but....

I had this wonderful idea to call "aunt" Debbie to see if she wanted to embark on the Black Friday madness with me. It is a family tradition that we shop on black Friday...and I do mean shop! Its usually me, my mom, sister, friend Kassadie, and Debbie. Debbie was game to go shopping with me and we got an early start! I actually started on Thursday night about 10 oclock. I went to Wal Mart and got a game plan then went back at midnight to snag the toy deals that started at 12:01. Then I went home (about 1:30 due to the crowd) and headed back out at 4 am to Brownfield Wal Mart with Debbie and my dad. After we hit up the electronic sales we headed to Lubbock to go to Toys R Us and the Mall. We had a great time and I got almost all of my shopping done! Keep in mind that I have to shop for Christmas and birthday! (Sagen's birthday is 10 days after Christmas!)

Rusty had a young lady qualify for state FFA creed speaking which takes place in Huntsville, TX (about 10 hours away). He had to take a female sponsor so I volunteered to go along. We were planning on just hauling the kids with us, but Aunt Jana stepped up and offered to keep them! (Thanks Aunt Jana!) We kidded her that her house would be like the Brady Bunch with 3 girls and 3 boys. Sagen and Slayde had so much fun over there. They said that Slayde never cried and slept all night in Jett's baby bed (he doesn't use it!) and Sagen and Jack really bonded. Jessica told me that she was watching them one afternoon and they were playing football. Jack had taken off his shirt (that's the cool thing...) so of course Sagen thought...why not, I'll take mine off too. Jessica said they were both playing football without their shirts on. Haha! Just wait until she gets older....she would die! When we got home from Huntsville we were so glad to see both kids. Slayde was attached to me like a magnet. He wouldn't go to ANYONE else and even cried when Rusty took him from me. He's definitely a momma's boy, but I love it! Well I know this has been a LONG post. Here are a few pictures!

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